The Premier Showcase Directory
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Bert Badger | web |video |more info >
Healthy Lifestyle/ Exercise, Music/vocals, Music/instrumental
Bert Badger hosts his show on YouTube but also makes and performs music from the actual show. His award winning songs will make you want to get up and dance.
Phone: 517.402.7962|Email:
It's Cool To Be Kind - Gincy's Music Show | web |video
Music/vocals, Music/instrumental, Motivational Speaking
This show is filled with original songs with meaningful and inspiring lyrics that are designed to connect with students at any grade level. #kindnessmatters
Phone: 773.791.9321|Email:
Ninja Science Academy | web |video |more info >
Wellness, Science, Music/vocals
Ninja Science Academy cultivates wellness through Science & Self Mastery. Students will leave our show understanding what E=MC^2 really means!
Phone: 224.318.6065|Email:
Strutz Entertainment | web
Puppetry, Music/vocals, History
Presenting "DINOSAUR DIMENSIONS," an interactive program featuring realistic looking animatronic puppets! Kids will meet & learn about dinos in a new/fun way!
Phone: 262.271.7327|Email:
ZakLand | web
Music/vocals, Storytelling, Creative Writing
GRAMMY nominee Zak Morgan's interactive music and storytelling program; designed to encourage reading, boost self-confidence, and tickle the funny bone.
Phone: 513.470.8652|Email: