The Premier Showcase Directory
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Chris Fascione: Bringing Literature to Life! | web |video
Literature, Theater, Storytelling
This funny, award-winning performer entertains and motivates kids to read with his high-spirited, participatory shows in which literature truly comes to life!
Phone: 708.383.8788|Email:
Famous Hoosiers, Inc. | web |slideshow
Theater, History, Storytelling
Abraham Lincoln offers a fascinating panoply of uproarious comedy, tearful reminiscence, political intrigue and insightful commentary on the human condition.
Phone: 317.899.1254|Email:
MellyPop! Productions | web |slideshow |more info >
Puppet Performances & Workshops, Theater, Storytelling
MellyPop! provides fun & exciting puppet performances, educational workshops and artist-in-residencies to schools, libraries, community centers and theaters!
Phone: 612-PUPPETS|Email:
Miss Jamie's Farm | web |video
Storytelling, Virtual, Music/instrumental
Sing, Dance, Laugh, and Learn with Miss Jamie's Farm! This values-based music show is perfect for children PreK-2nd Grade
Phone: 773.609.5045|Email:
ZakLand | web
Music/vocals, Storytelling, Creative Writing
GRAMMY nominee Zak Morgan's interactive music and storytelling program; designed to encourage reading, boost self-confidence, and tickle the funny bone.
Phone: 513.470.8652|Email: